Hemlock Restoration
The Parkway’s old growth Carolina hemlock trees, a rare endemic species, and eastern hemlocks are at serious risk due to the hemlock...

Wetland Restoration
The Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation is committed to the health of ecosystems along the Parkway, including high-value wetlands in need of...

Business and Corporate Employee Work Days
Employee volunteerism is an effective way for companies to get involved on the Blue Ridge Parkway while building community relationships...

Avian Population Monitoring
Northern Saw-whet owls, Peregrine falcons, Appalachian Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Cerulean Warblers all live along the Blue Ridge...

Doughton Park Bridge Construction
Grassy Gap is a favorite hiking area for many, but until recently crossing at Basin Creek could be difficult with only a makeshift log...

Turtle Tracking
Bog turtles are elusive creatures, difficult to find in summer and hidden in hibernation during the winter. Through funding by the Blue...

Mt. Pisgah Amphitheater Improvements
The amphitheater at Mount Pisgah Campground, milepost 408, is about to undergo much-needed repairs. Built in the 1960s, the amphitheater...

Adopt a Trail
The Blue Ridge Parkway offers over 100 hiking trails for all levels of hiking from a casual walk thru the forest to a strenuous hike up a...

Overlook Cleanup
Enjoying the Blue Ridge Parkway’s views is the #1 reason why over 13 million people visit the Blue Ridge Parkway every year. The Parkway...

Lead a Hike
​ If you’re a seasoned hiker you can put your skills to use by sharing your experience with others. Volunteer to lead a hike on or around...